Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Storming the Castle/CastleCast Crossover Holiday Episode!

Wherein we discuss the first half of Season 6.

Jesse's Twitter: @jwj170104
Karen's Twitter: @Aleveria
Janis' Twitter: unlisted *dialtone* :-)
Kathy's Twitter: 'What's that?'

John's Twitter: @johnpavlich
Heidi's Twitter: @hjkuzcotopia

Reach StC at @StormCastlePC, stormingthecastlepodcast@gmail.com, & https://www.facebook.com/StormingTheCastlePC
Reach CastleCast at http://castlecast.net/, @castlepodcast, & https://www.facebook.com/groups/castlecast/

Also, we'd love to get your ratings / reviews on iTunes!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Storming the Castle Podcast: "The Good, The Bad, and the Baby" Recap

Wherein we discuss Castle "The Good, The Bad, and the Baby" - Episode 6x10

BONUS Doctor Who 50th anniversary discussion included at the end - skip if you must, but we're pretty interesting anyway. 

Jesse's Twitter: @jwj170104
Karen's Twitter: @Aleveria
Janis' Twitter: unlisted *dialtone*
Kathy's Twitter: 'What's that?'

Reach The Show at @StormCastlePC, stormingthecastlepodcast@gmail.com, &

Also, we'd love to get your ratings / reviews on iTunes! 

Check out this episode!